Shurtape Technologies, LLC
1712 8th Street Drive SE
Hickory, NC 28602
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Shurtape Technologies grew out of Shuford Mills, a longtime maker of textile yarns and a world leading manufacturer of cordage and twine. In 1955, Shuford Mills management started a tape division to capture a growing demand for basic crepe and flat back paper tapes – the stuff everyone knows as masking tape. That year we opened a small pilot plant tucked into a corner of the larger Shuford Mills factory in Hickory, North Carolina.
We managed to do a lot of things right; our early success with that pilot plant led Shuford Mills to invest in an entire factory dedicated to manufacturing tape. Today, we have 12 factories worldwide producing 700 million square yards of tape annually – enough to wrap a 2” strip around the world more than 280 times. You’ll find that tape just about everywhere – at plants, offices, homes and worksites, and at such familiar retail stores as Ace Hardware, Lowe’s, Office Max, Sears, Staples, Wal-Mart, and many more.
Encouraged for two decades by steady growth and profitability, Shuford Mills expanded tape production and its offering to adhesive-coated cloth tapes in 1972. The manufacturing operation in Hickory fueled growth for the next 10 years; its success set the stage for Shuford Mills to convert its Stony Point Yarn Mill to a duct tape factory in 1981. (By the way, we’re the company that makes the original duct tape.) |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
Designing, developing and making pressure sensitive tapes – that’s Shurtape. We’re tape specialists guided by a single purpose: help tape users do their jobs better. And when our tape users do their jobs better an interesting thing happens: everyone in our organization – employees, distributors, customers – wins.
Organized in North Carolina as Shurtape Technologies LLC, we’re a privately owned company, with manufacturing plants in Hickory, Stony Point and Hudson, North Carolina. |