Impact Data Books
PO BOX 223
King George, VA 22485
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Impact Data Books, Inc. is here to fill the need of shooters all across the country. There has never been a data book company that has taken the needs of the shooter and allowed them to build a custom data book to how they train, compete or work.
Our approach is to offer you a book that can be used from cover to cover and to allow it to change and grow with your shooting ability and needs.
The concept for our data book has been the culmination of over 20 years of hunting, military, law enforcement and competition experience. Impact Data Books, Inc. has made multiple page layouts that are simple, fast and easy to use. These pages will enhance the way you collect your shooting data. Not only have we simplified things but we are offering over 250 different target page types.
We feel by offering you a complete custom book from the individual shooter to the training facilities, to the military and law enforcement agencies we can now offer you an invaluable training aid that does exactly what you need it to do. The days of scribbling and modifying your data book to match your course of fire or the targets you intend to shoot is finally over. Let us take your course curriculum or syllabus and work on making a custom book that can match your training shot to shot.
For our military and law enforcement snipers you will find numerous mission essential pages that you commonly need or use while conducting your day-to-day operations.
Your shooting needs are different from the next guy, so why should you adapt your training to match a premade data book when you now have the ability to get exactly what you need?
We look forward to assisting you and your shooting needs. |
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Thoughts on America:
This is our country, lets continue to protect our citizens and continue to be the free nation and land of opportunity that we were brought up on. |