CozyPure® Organic Mattresses & Bedding
201 W. Ocean View Ave
Norfolk, VA 23503
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Cheryl Hahn, our founder, is a true pioneer in green living with 20 years experience as the owner of Tomorrow's World, one of America's very first green eco-friendly stores. Prior to becoming an ecoprenaur, she acquired a background in textiles while working for one of the country's largest sportswear manufacturing companies.
It seemed only natural for Cheryl to focus her energies on the manufacturing of organic bedding, especially since her company was also the first to introduce organic mattresses to the national consumer market in the early 1990's.
"One of the things I really wanted to create", says Hahn, "was quality, comfort, durability and aesthetics using beautiful textiles made from renewable, sustainable resources for products actually made to last decades. Choosing chemical-free organic and eco-smart materials just makes perfect sense in the bedroom since that's where we revitalize for the day ahead."
Why surround yourself with bedding that emits harmful chemicals or makes you sweat uncomfortably when you can enjoy a safer and healthier sleep made from exquisite natural fibers? Your bedroom is your night-time healing retreat and it's the one place you shouldn't skimp on comfort or quality.
"I'm really excited about being the first organic bedding company to utilize renewable energy using wind, solar and geothermal to operate our factory. Green awareness is high and so many businesses are greenwashing; this shows our commitment to being a true full-circle green company. We're both green and organic and we're very proud of that".
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
Our mission is to provide healthy, natural and organic fiber soft-goods that are made in the USA. We started to make our own products because so many vendors were going overseas to produce goods. CozyPure® bedding is manufactured here in Norfolk, Virginia in our factory that makes on-site green energy with wind turbines, solar panels and geo-thermal. |