American Pet Diner
HC 62 Box 62505
Eureka, NV 89316
Year Started:
# American Employees:
American Pet Diner, Inc is a family corporation solely owned by Reese and Lisa Marshall, a husband and wife team, of Eureka, Nevada since it’s creation is 1996. They are a family hay farm with three children, dedicated to the success of American Pet Diner. The marketing company philosophy is to incorporate a premium quality product with dietary and health education of the consumer through a staff of their own customer service employees and off site nutritionist and veterinarians. These individuals are trained to keep the consumer, wholesaler, and distributor educated on proper diet and nutrition so that they create a customer base that is loyal to the company and repeat buying through long living and healthy pets. Ongoing research and development of new products allows the small animal market the beneficiary of new and healthy cutting edge products. The success of American Pet Diner is the health and happiness of the consumer and his pet. |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
Support agriculture and the American Farmer. Where else will you food come from? Believe in Jesus, he makes it all happen. Support the small business owner. He is you and I. The small business owner risks his time, energy, resources, and family to build his "American Dream". Support lower taxes, lower government spending, and increased efficiency in govenment. The small business owner can be a corporation, but he employs America by stimulating business growth. That's the only way we as Americans can survive in this economy. |