Footstools With Feet
8601 Festival Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89134
702 217 2385
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Hi from Las Vegas, where imagination tends to get awesome and creative!
Which is what happened when we went searching for a foot stool. A foot stool should have feet - right? Well, now they do! And, of course, feet need shoes.
All of us at the FootStools-With-Feet studio are dedicated to designing and building high quality, absolutely you'll-never-see-another-one-like-it foot stools...ummm..."feet" stools.
Themed, fantastic richly embroidered faux leather stool tops with matching shoes or boots, and pants or socks, that all say "you are special". Prop your feet up and relax, be revived and recharged. Or, maybe you need the perfect gift that can be given with pride.
Thanks so much, we value your friendship.
- Barb
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
I'm proud, and lucky, to be an American! |