Cleret, Inc.
11705 SW 68th Ave
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 222-9227
Year Started:
# American Employees:
"It all started in 1986 when I let this big burly contractor talk me into putting clear glass shower doors in my brand new bath - BIG MISTAKE!
After bathing, there were all these unsightly water spots, puddles everywhere and then it started to mildew and turn green and stink. My bath looked horrible....it looked dirty all the time. I simply did not know what to do.
Then one day it hit me....a squeegee....in the shower. A couple of quick swipes right after bathing and it was bye, bye ugly water spots and all that other grunge. But unfortunately, it was also hello UGLY squeegee in my dazzling new bath. The contraption gave my bath kind of that neo-janitorial look, I suppose.
I got to thinking....hey, what's a guy like me doing with an ugly squeegee in my bath. I'm a little more hip and stylish that that. Why don't they make something that looks better? Well the cruel reality was that they didn't. I looked everywhere...nothing! Then it dawned on me, why not go to some trendy product designer and have them design something....you know, cool looking, ergonomical and stuff.
Well, the result of my work was the amazing, award winning Clerét squeegee which was selected as the best designed new Consumer Product by the Industrial Designers Society of America. Also, the next time you are at The Smithsonian, check it out, it's displayed in the Permanent Design Collection.... WOW! No other squeegee in the universe has been so honored.
In the beginning, we made just fancy bath squeegees, but now we make squeegees for use on windows, mirrors, cars, boats, kitchen counters, horses...yes horses and would you believe, armadillos, just kidding.
Well, there you have it, the Clerét story. I still can't believe I left that cushy corporate job to make squeegees. It's been worth it, however! You know why? I get to read all those nice letters and e-mails from folks around the world who have discovered just how much fun squeeging can be....with a Clerét squeegee that is!" |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
We have resisted pressure from large retailers to have our products manufactured in Asia to lower costs. We are committed to manufacturing in the U.S. |