G&S Metal Products
3300 E. 79th Street
Cleveland, OH 44127
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Since 1949, G&S has strived to make the most economical, and reliable product, with the least impact on the environment as possible. Most of our bakeware is made from steel, and is coated with a process called “Coil Coating.” Steel is the most recycled material in the world. More steel is recycled annually than all other materials, including aluminum, glass, and paper combined. Coil coating is a process of pre-painting metal before manufacturing the product. By doing this, we reduce waste and emissions, reduce water usage, and decrease energy needs dramatically. Coil Coating allows for virtually 100% coating transfer efficiency, as opposed to other methods, such as spray coating, which are in the 50%-60% coating transfer efficiency range. This eliminates potential pollution, and the need to dispose of excess coating, which cannot be recycled. Additionally, our line is encapsulated. Meaning, all potential emissions are incinerated, thereby allowing us to have a completely environmental neutral operation.
It is the moral responsibility of every individual to do their part to help preserve the environment, and G&S certainly recognizes that we share in that responsibility. G&S strives to be the most eco-efficient company that it can be. We understand, and exceed, every environmental regulation applicable to our operations and supply chain, as well as our our products, and packaging. By doing so, we maintain our goal of integrating environmental sustainability and building a culture of sustainability at G&S, and throughout our industry.
We are constantly improving our process to become as “green” a company as we possibly can be. As we continue our efforts to become more eco-efficient we will update this website to keep you all informed of our progress.
Sustainability is all of our responsibilities, and we hope that everyone continues to join us in our goal of protecting the environment.
We invite you to send in your comments or suggestions to help us to achieve the common goal of a “green” world.
We value sustainability as a moral responsibility and being essential in maintaining relationships with our customers and the environment. We will continue to explore different ways to improve our world. |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
Nothing is more important than making and purchasing American product. It keeps jobs in our community and it gives a sense of pride. We are a family owned company and believe in sustainability and supporting our country. |