Custer Battlefield Museum
Town Hall
Garryowen, MT 59031
Year Started:
# American Employees:
The museum is located on the former site of Sitting Bull's camp, on the famous Garryowen bend of the Little Bighorn River, a traditional summer hunting campsite for many Plains Indian tribes. As the Seventh Cavalry approached in late June of 1876, this was the site of one of the largest Indian gatherings ever recorded in North America. Several famous locations associated with the Battle of the Little Bighorn are visible from Garryowen. These sites include Reno's hilltop defense site, Weir Point, Last Stand Hill, Medicine Tail Coulee, the Crow's Nest, the Wolf Mountains as well as the Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument and Custer National Cemetery.
Cavalry and Indian artifacts excavated on the site of the Battle of the Little Bighorn join large dioramas showing step-by-step battle action. Such items include Little Wolf's Golden Eagle Tail Feathered War Bonnet, which was worn during many battles including the Battle of the Little Big Horn. The contract for Sitting Bull's appearance in the famous Buffalo Bill Wild West Show is on display and is the only known attested signature of Sitting Bull. Also exhibited is a facsimile of the signatorial rock pictograph attributed to Crazy Horse made on a sandstone cliff above Reno Creek after the Battle of the Little Bighorn. The original was destroyed in 1963.
Indian War era artifacts include many items found at the battle site, such as Crow Dog's rifle, several war clubs and trade knives, cavalry spurs, and Flow-blue enamelware from Sitting Bull's camp. Cavalry items on display include Tom Custer's Kerr revolver and an Army pistol dropped on the Reno retreat route, still fully loaded. Other Indian weaponry includes a Lakota lance made from a cavalry guidon pole, shields, and an U.S. Army-issue revolver with a holster decorated with Plains Indian style beadwork. Also on display are Beaded Indian War Shirts and an extensive collection of moccasins. |
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Thoughts on America:
Only in American can one man purchase a forgotten piece of historic land, rehabilitate and improve it, and revive its historical importance for the benefit of all Americans. Garryowen Montana is that man's American dream - to open a museum celebrating Plains Indian history and all aspects of the Battle of the Little Big Horn. Garryowen celebrates all things Western Americana! |