it happens 2 you
167 Black Rd.
Statesville, NC 28166
Year Started:
# American Employees:
It happens 2 you is a family business founded by Paula and Allen Brawley. The idea for our apparel was inspired by our son Jake during an outing to a local mall. In the late winter of 2011 when it seemed that all of American money and jobs were going to China, we decided to change it. During that same time “it happens 2 you” was trademarked. All of our products are Made in America. They always have been and always will be. We can change the direction our Country is heading by only buying American made products. Everyone can do this, whether you are a small business owner, an employee of a large corporation or our friendly next door neighbor.
It happens 2 you is built on simple, old fashioned traditional values. We believe in being independent and self reliant. Character traits like honesty and dependability are important. We must not forget to be patriotic and show our support for the Great American soldier. You will never be embarrassed to support it happens 2 you.
We hope you enjoy our apparel just as much as we have had designing it. We look forward to showing the world our great America. With your help we will create American jobs one shirt at a time. |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
China thinks that we have turned our backs on the values that made us great. We live in the greatest Country. We have always made great products that last a lifetime. I am not asking people to change, I am just asking them to remember American and the great products that came from Americans. Making great products is what made America the world leader. Our leaders in Washington, DC seem to have forgotten. |