Big Stick Canes
13008 Arctic Avenue
Rockville, MD 20853
301-933 0467
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Our canes and walking sticks are handmade, one-of-a-kind pieces of created to serve the function of support and stability and are designed to give the user enjoyment with their beauty of style and comfort. The hand comes in many shapes and sizes and so the handle of a cane should fit to accommodate the needs of the individual grip along with the height and heft of the shaft. Some designs are made specifically for left or right handed needs, but they are still suited for ambidextrous use and allow for a comfortable, firm grip. |
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Thoughts on America:
We need to educate the public to be more discriminate on their purchases for origin of creation and quality for long term use. We have become a disposable society that promotes cheap inferior products to be imported, making us dependant on outside goods and resources forgetting to tap our own resources at home. Bring back the pride of Made In The USA by making quality products that last for generations. |