Stoney Mountain Farm, LLC
6559 Old Stoney Mountain Rd
Burlington, NC 27217
Year Started:
# American Employees:
The core of our mission in all aspects of this farm and farming is to preserve the ways of the past while honoring mother nature.
We preserve this land. We do not timber and we don’t plow or mow aggressively. We let mother nature tell us what & where to plant, when to breed, wean and feed if necessary.
Our gardens are prepared without conventional methods of plowing and disturbing the integrity of the earth. We have chosen to follow the practice of Lasagna Gardening. This farm provides plenty of wonderful resources to prepare and layer the soil for the healthiest of harvests.
We honor our animals and livestock by respecting their natural habits and habitats. We do not follow conventional methods of parasite control. We worm on an as needed basis. We provide our livestock with the ability to nurture and doctor their own needs. We do not feed hormones. Our pastures are planted with Black Walnut, Rosemary, Dock, and many other natural remedies that animals will instinctively go to when they need them. Although we are always there and aware, it is our belief that the animals generally know best.
We haven chosen breeds of livestock based on their independence and integrity to the original breed characteristics.
Through these practices, we believe we offer beautiful venues for our guests and the best quality products with healthy, happy livestock. |
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Thoughts on America:
If we each do a little to bring purchasing back home it will make a world of difference. Foreign markets know they compete against quality with the US, they know as long as they offer a lesser quality at cheaper prices they'll penetrate our consumer market...are we REALLY saving money in the end? |