KB Footwear Company
PO Box 271
Weirton, WA 26062
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Elwin and Clarence Knapp founded the Knapp Brothers Shoe Manufacturing Company in 1921. "Because of our outstanding reputation for superior craftsmanship, quality, comfort and durability, Knapp continues to be the largest direct selling company in the world." This quote is from a 1985 Knapp Shoes catalog, with over 120 styles to choose from. The Knapp Store has been online since 1998, and is dedicated to my father, Louis Grossman. He was well known as "Lou, the Knapp Shoe man" to the hundreds of services stations, auto dealers and "garages" around greater Los Angeles, and is remembered for his wonderful smile. From around 1954 until his death in 1997, and after 20 years of "retirement," my father continued to sell Knapp products. (Shown here with his wife Sylvia) And, in fact I grew up wearing, and continue to wear Knapp Shoes.
It is with this web site that I am proud to honor my father, Louis Grossman, and continue his legacy of selling a quality product to a specialized market place.
As an Internet web developer and a former Knapp Counselor, I developed the first Knapp Shoe web site in 1995 which was later redesigned for Knapp Shoes, Inc., and then acquired by Iron Age Corporation. In January 2007, Iron Age Corporation filed for bankruptcy and the Knapp Shoe Corporation became yet another American legacy.
I, together with several former Knapp Shoe employes and sales councelors purchased the tooling that was once used to make footwear since 1921 and will be producing footwear under the name "KB Footwear." |
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
Made in America, AGAIN. In order to strengthen our economy, we ALL need to buy American made products. Keeping our dollars at home means the money will circulate back into the economy for all of us to benefit from. |