32 Seaboard Rd.
Andrews, SC 29510
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Bamboosa firmly believes that our products, made in the U.S., are one of the best choices available for apparel products. We also recognize that there are areas of bamboo production that have room for improvement. It is with much pleasure that we announce full OCIA certification of the farm where our bamboo is grown and USDA certification of the bamboo that is grown on that farm. These certifications will hopefully be followed by other improvements involving the processing of bamboo into a viscose fiber. Additionally, Bamboosa will continue to focus internally on best environmental practices, and externally will encourage our partners, and our customers, to do the same.
We are glad to see the issues that Bamboosa has been supporting since we began in business, concerning better choices for the environment, are becoming more and more mainstream. As more of us not only recognize the importance of using sustainable alternatives, and also follow through on that commitment by purchasing and using products made from organically grown crops, we make a positive contribution.
This increasing focus on green alternatives has resulted in growing attention and dialogue among consumers, government, and companies like Bamboosa, concerning the specific advantages and benefits of viscose fiber from organic bamboo. Our mission and focus is to encourage the use of bamboo because we believe it is the right thing to do for many reasons. We are appreciative of the customers who share our mission and believe in our products.
Product Categories:
Thoughts on America:
We must put emphasis on made in USA products. The consumer must be given the option of a USA made product and I believe they will respond if the choices are clear. |