Moore's Farm Toys
3695 Raiders Rd.
Dresden, OH 43821
Year Started:
# American Employees:
The making of a farm toy manufacturer began in 1957 when I was born to a farm equipment dealer. Who sold Allis-Chalmers, Massy Ferguson, Deutz, and then Kubota. In 1974 when my first child was born, I started collecting farm toys, not knowing where it would lead to in the future.
I attended my first toy show in 1981 at Lafayette, Indiana. It was at this time I knew I was hooked on toys. I started by customizing tractors and combines to make them more realistic. It was at this time I started to sell them at local toy shows. I knew then there was no turning back. The bug had bitten!
My first customizing was a Massy Ferguson 760 combine which was followed by many more. I soon learned the demand was much greater than I had ever anticipated. I also learned Scratch building was a lot of work and very time consuming. It was at this time I decided the pieces could be made in larger volume if I had a spin casting machine, so in 1994 with a spin casting machine in hand I set up shop in Dad's barn. I started making patterns and molds to cast a header wagon followed by the tandem rake hitch. By 1995 the demand was so great that I needed to hire my first full time employee. Six months later I hired the second fulltime and two part time employees. Things were going very well.
On March 4th 1998 a fire totally destroyed the barn we were in. The next day we started getting things back together and moved into the building where we are today. Four months later we cast our first items in the new location and were up and running again! In 1999 we purchased our own plastic injection molding equipment from Hurley Barn Yard Toys of Wynette, Illinois. That gave us a line of plastic toys and accessories.
We have moved into the 21st Century with the addition of our own Web Site. This features over one thousand model implements, and a full line of parts to customize your own toys. Moore's Farm Toys models, kits, and parts are sold in our retail store in Dresden Ohio, as well as over the web site and at many National Toy Shows. We also sell Wholesale to other Toy Dealers in the USA, Canada, and also overseas.
We are proud to tell you that all Moore's Farm Toys products are 100% American made. |
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Thoughts on America:
We have got to get more manufacturing back in this Great County! As American manufacturing is what built our Great National! We're proud to offer 100% made in USA products!