EDISON, NJ 08817
Year Started:
# American Employees:
Established in 1962 by Abe Dranetz, we’ve been in the business of Power Quality Monitoring, Test & Measurement longer than many of our competitors have been alive. Dranetz employs the brightest experts in the industry. For almost 50 years, members of our staff have held patents, sat on advisory boards and standards committees, and contributed to standards creation. As a recognized authority on power quality, Dranetz handbooks can be found in PQ reference libraries online, alongside IEC, ANSI/IEEE, EMC and NEC standards books! We’ve been involved in developing the very standards of the PQ industry, working with relevant IEC and IEEE committees since their inception. That adds up to a boatload of experience, accountability and years of commitment to quality products and community guidance. This kind of credibility can’t be bought.
Merging with Basic Measuring Instruments in 1996, Dranetz was acquired in early 2007 by the multinational corporation Gossen Metrawatt (GMC-I), GmbH of Germany, a world leader in Test and Measurement instrumentation, leveraging the technologies and markets of both companies. This family of companies also includes Camille Bauer, AG a leader in Energy Management Instrumentation.
Headquartered in Edison, NJ, USA, Dranetz manufactures its instruments in the USA at its ISO9001-ceritified facilities, and is also a global supplier of GMC-I’s electrical test and measurement products. Besides the company’s full line of handheld, portable, and permanently installed power monitoring instruments, site audits and power quality studies can be provided by its sister company, Electrotek Concepts, world-renowned power quality consultants.
We not only have the most current and thorough book to educate the latest generation about Power Quality Analysis, as well as free educational seminars, but we also produce the most superior products for putting what you’ve learned into practical usage, with a constellation of services designed to compliment your needs and ensure your success. Our power quality and energy management experience helps to guide corporations, utilities and government agencies, including free pre-and-post sales support and ongoing free educational seminars. |
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Thoughts on America:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBQyyk6S28s |